Saturday, July 5, 2008

Longest Walk 2 Cultural Ceremony, POW WOW

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I'm on my way.......

The Arrival of the Longest Walk 2
Cultural Ceremony, POW WOW
& Concert at the National Mall
By the National Museum of the American Indian,
Washington, D. C.
July 11, 12, 13, 2008

Friday, July 4, 2008

Petty in Indy July 3, 08

Petty was awesome last night. I was worried the last couple of times I saw him I was afraid he was going into a void where he wouldn't surface again. But last night he was back to his usual self.

Guitars and Petty make for a great show.

I think the stint he done with Mudcrutch put his head back into the way it should be. More of a stripped down sound and just getting back to basics.

We had a great time, all of us, Myra, Kathy and Jimm and we met up with Nate right before Steve Winwood hit the stage.

Welcome back Petty. After seeing you for over 30 years and almost 30 times I can say I am happy as hell to have you back!